Fire Meditation
Ni Family Taoist Meditation on Fire
FIRE. Fire represents the heart of your body: it resides in your chest, its color is red. Your heart is in the center of your being. Your heart beats ceaselessly, there is a constant movement as your heart pumps volumes of blood through miles of veins and arteries and capillaries that cover your body, delivering nutrients, oxygen, and chi. But besides that, a more important function of your heart is that it houses your spirit, or Shen. Another way to think of your “spirit” is your MIND, the inner fire of our existence. This “inner fire” represents the vibrant life that the heart gives to each and every one of us. Just as blood reaches every part of your being, so does the spirit present in every part of your being. The spirit guides us and our ability to see clearly, and our ability to make the right decisions, an ability to have intuition and insights, and the ability to be aware of the other spirits in people. By connecting with your heart, you protect the center of your being and its innate ability to animate life in its pumping action, and also its ability to provide clarity for your life.