It’s Happening!

Life is a dream.

Enjoy it while it’s good.

Wake up when it’s not!

What’s going to happen is already happening.

It happens to happen the moment it's happening.

Which is now!


Life is not random! Moment to moment to moment, momentum!

Stuttering wisdom —

Birth, death, 


Take one breath, 


Be born again.

If it can’t happen here, then “There,” 

Same thing again. 

Destinations are a lie!

Land back Here,

See what’s Real,

Watch it die again.

Again, again!

Again and again and again!

With life comes suffering.

Choosing defines "It."

Who you think you are is exactly right.

So, think rightly. 

These thoughts, these stories 

Are not Thee, nor from Thee.

Spoken with respect,


Who Thou art is Godly.



Is what Thou makes it be.

Life is a dream. 

Enjoy it while it’s good.

Wake up when it’s not!

What’s going to happen is already happening.

Lazarus Qi

Drew Barretto is a doctor of Acupuncture and Traditional Medicine. His creative and medical practices are a careful attempt at weaving together imagination and science. He has built his practice on the idea that a Healthy Body and a Happy Mind are directly connected and is devoted to educating his patients on how to Live Long and Die Happy.


I Ching | Ancient Thoughts for Modern Times


Just Be