Less is More ; Acupuncture Needles
This is an acupuncture needle compared to others! There is a piece of human hair in a knot around the acu needle for scale.
Acupuncture needles don’t technically puncture you. They are not hollow. However, there are different diameters and lengths used to stimulate different physiological responses in the body. While most needle insertions are not painful, practitioners are looking for “De Qi,” which means the arrival of Qi. This may feel like a dull or heavy sensation, sometimes even a little zing of electricity. In some cases, we’re aiming for a response that reaches to other parts of the body. The body is all connected! It is whole. Our treatment is the same : Acupuncture is a holistic, integrated medicine. Ancient and modern, natural and technological. The point of acupuncture is to FEEL GOOD. When in treatment, if a needle doesn’t feel right, say something! You and the doctor want the same thing.